As a business owner, you strive to run your operation as smoothly as possible. However, even the best business can encounter problems from time to time. You may be surprised and stressed out when you find out that your company is being sued. Remember that a lawsuit is the result of some type of dispute and you can often handle these issues before they go further. An experienced business litigation attorney will help with the review and resolution of business legal matters. There are several steps you can take to facilitate the best outcome possible.
Review the Claim
It is essential to read and understand the dispute at the root of the claim. A formal summons provides you with details including the nature of the complaint and how long you have to provide a response. Generally, you must respond fairly quickly to a Wisconsin civil case, usually no later than 20 days. Therefore, do not delay, because you need to take action immediately. If you fail to respond, you could end up with an unfavorable judgment, even if you thought you were in the right. Most complaints begin as disagreements, and you are likely already aware of the nature of the lawsuit.
Gather Documentation
When you get sued, you need to quickly gather and preserve any and all information pertaining to the situation. Protect, print, and save all relevant documents and correspondence related to the matter. Keep in mind that the dispute could have begun many weeks or months ago. If the lawsuit is the result of a contract, make sure that you find the document and any associated discussions. Typically, if you have a written contract the only way you or the other party can make changes is in writing. However, there could be exceptions. If you discussed the matter by email or text, keep records of those conversations and do not destroy any of the documentation you need to prove your side of the case.
Do You Want to Negotiate?
Most lawsuits get resolved before they reach court. When you consider whether to negotiate a compromise, there are several things to keep in mind. Remember that the lawsuit will cost your company money in the form of lost time, legal fees, and more. A lawsuit can drag on for a number of months, or longer, and that will put stress on you and your entire company. The best way to negotiate a settlement is with professional help from an experienced litigation attorney. Your lawyer will handle all of the issues and will work on your behalf to get the best possible results as quickly as possible.
If your company receives a lawsuit, it does not necessarily mean that you did something wrong. You can protect your interests with assistance from a qualified business litigation attorney. At Moen Sheehan Meyer, Ltd, we have a team of skilled attorneys with experience handling all sorts of business matters, large and small. Contact our lawyers today at Moen Sheehan Meyer, Ltd. online or call us at (608) 784-8310 to schedule a free initial consultation.