If you own a large tract of farmland, you may wonder how you can increase your income. While you might not be ready to sell your farm, you can still get money for the use of your land. There are many potential benefits to leasing your farmland, making it a lucrative way to put money […]
Read MoreLeasing your farmland can be a way to bring in extra money, and it is a good option for property that you are not utilizing. While there are many advantages to leasing farmland, there are also some potential pitfalls that you need to avoid. You want to make certain that you enter into a lease […]
Read MoreAgriculture is a leading contributor to the economy in Minnesota. According to the State of Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry, the agricultural industry provides more than 147,000 jobs and more than $57 billion in revenue. Minnesota is one of the top five states in the country for agricultural production and ranks eighth for livestock […]
Read MoreAgriculture is one of the most important industries in Wisconsin and contributes about 100 billion dollars to industrial sales in the state. Farmland accounts for more than 14 million acres of land, with almost 64,000 farms. The average size farm is 221 acres, according to the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture. It is no surprise that […]
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