The decision to end your marriage is not an easy one. You have many choices to make and also many compromises. One of the most common questions is whether you will receive alimony. Alimony is called spousal maintenance in Wisconsin. Spousal maintenance is money given from one spouse to the other to reduce the financial […]
Read MoreThe decision to end your marriage is often a long and arduous one. When you and your partner are no longer able to make your marriage work, it may be time to seek a divorce. In Wisconsin, a divorce does not need to be based on marital misconduct. Parties can seek a no-fault divorce when […]
Read MoreDivorce can be complicated and stressful. When they have made the decision to end your marriage, couples must come to an agreement as to the distribution of their assets and property. Wisconsin is considered a community property state. This means that any assets or wealth that is accumulated during the marriage is community property and […]
Read MoreOnce you have made the difficult decision to end your marriage, you want to get through the process as efficiently and quickly as possible. The length of time it takes to obtain a final divorce decree can vary greatly, depending on the factors of the individual case. The shortest length of time it will take […]
Read MoreGoing through a divorce can be a long and arduous process. When the procedure finally comes to an end and the judge issues an order, you expect that your former spouse will follow it. But what happens when your ex does not obey the court’s orders? There are some things you can do to facilitate […]
Read MoreFinances are certainly an area of conflict and stress for many couples. Some people find themselves in difficult circumstances and realize that bankruptcy might be the best option. You may wonder whether you can file bankruptcy as part of the divorce process. Actually, the two legal proceedings are best kept separate. If you try to […]
Read MoreDivorce can be difficult at any age, but it can be particularly stressful and complicated when you are over the age of 50. A large portion of the population is reaching senior status and according to the Pew Research Center, the rate of people divorcing over the age of 50 has increased substantially since 1990. […]
Read MoreIf your marriage is coming to an end, you may wonder how to file for a divorce. You may have heard of various grounds for divorce and wonder what your options are in Wisconsin. Luckily, Wisconsin is a state that utilizes no-fault divorce. You do not need to have a reason to file for divorce […]
Read MoreWhen parents divorce, they are usually expected to share parenting responsibilities. The children typically reside primarily with one parent, while the other parent has regular visitation. A custodial parent cannot move more than 100 miles away without seeking a court modification. The law changed last year, making legal modification a requirement even for those who […]
Read MoreYour wedding is one of the most important days of your life. You envision your marriage will be perfect without any bumps in the road. For many, the thought of a prenuptial agreement brings a sharp halt to these idyllic dreams. A prenuptial agreement is a contract between married partners that provides provisions for settlement […]
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