The law firm of Moen Sheehan Meyer has donated $30,000 to the Boy Scouts of America Gateway Area Council’s Centennial Campaign, which aims to double the number of youth participating in Scouting in the next five years. Says Attorney Joe Skemp, “Our office has been a big supporter of Boy Scouts. This is an organization that means a lot to us and means a lot to the community, and we want to make sure we do our part to sustain scouting into the future.”
“We are so fortunate to have terrific support from a wide variety of individuals and organizations,” says Scout Executive Joe Carlson. “Moen Sheehan Meyer has been a great partner of scouting in a lot of different capacities, whether it’s professional advice and service, sponsorship of events, and the investment in the Council endowment fund is something that is going to pay dividends to kids and families in the Coulee Region for years to come.”
As an Eagle Scout himself, the Boy Scouts mean a great deal to Attorney Joe Skemp. His time in the Scouts not only taught him organizational and leadership skills, but good citizenship skills as well. “In an increasingly busy world,” Carlson notes, “scouting provides a great opportunity for kids and families to connect, an opportunity for kids to grow in their problem solving skills, grow in their resilience, and grow in their ability to have new experiences. In today’s busy world, scouting is just more important than ever.”
Boy Scouts of America Gateway Area Council is looking forward to a great 2024, with key initiatives around connecting with communities where scouting doesn’t exist currently, growing their members, and continuing to build out the resources they provide to volunteers to help programming happen in those places.
Learn more about the campaign here.
Learn more about other community causes MSM supports here.

Pictured left to right:
Attorney Matthew R. Cromheecke, MSM
Attorney Joseph J. Skemp Jr., MSM
Joe Carlson, Scout Executive, CEO, Gateway Area Council, Boy Scouts of America
Jansen Dahl, Campaign Co-Chair and Board Member, Gateway Area Council, Boy Scouts of America
Mark Binsfeld, Campaign Co-Chair and Board Member, Gateway Area Council, Boy Scouts of America