Millions of people in the United States suffer from financial problems at some time in their lives. When your money flow situation becomes too challenging, you may want to consider filing bankruptcy. Bankruptcy allows you to get a fresh start so you can resolve your financial difficulties and begin building your credit again. There are […]
Read MoreEvery child is born with two biological parents. A child’s parents have both responsibilities and rights. When parents are married, the husband is typically presumed to be the father. When parents are unmarried, paternity is not necessarily a given fact. The parents must take steps to establish the biological father. Until this step is completed, […]
Read MoreThe decision to end your marriage is often a long and arduous one. When you and your partner are no longer able to make your marriage work, it may be time to seek a divorce. In Wisconsin, a divorce does not need to be based on marital misconduct. Parties can seek a no-fault divorce when […]
Read MoreIcy roads made travel hazardous for millions of people in Wisconsin. Recently, ice in the area was blamed for dozens of accidents and more than 80 crashes in La Crosse County alone. Freezing rain can accumulate on road surfaces and sidewalks, making travel difficult. Glare ice is being blamed for many incidents on Wisconsin roads […]
Read MoreThousands of people each year get hurt while on the job. When you get hurt at work, generally, your employer should be responsible for paying for your medical treatment and for providing you with a portion of your wages while you are not able to work. Most companies are required to have workers’ compensation insurance. […]
Read MoreIf you die without a will, you are considered to have died intestate. When that occurs, the current state laws will determine how your property is to be distributed.
Read MoreYour home is likely your most significant asset, and you do not want to lose your property. When you file bankruptcy, you may be able to save your home, even if you are headed toward foreclosure. Filing bankruptcy can give you a fresh financial start, but you need to understand the limitations of the process. […]
Read MoreDivorce can be complicated and stressful. When they have made the decision to end your marriage, couples must come to an agreement as to the distribution of their assets and property. Wisconsin is considered a community property state. This means that any assets or wealth that is accumulated during the marriage is community property and […]
Read MoreNobody likes to think about their death, or consider how to handle decisions in old age. However, if you plan ahead, you can eliminate some of the trauma and stress by making important choices about your healthcare ahead of time. A medical directive gives you the chance to provide loved ones and medical professionals with […]
Read MoreTraffic accidents are common occurrences. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there are about 6 million traffic accidents in the United States each year. About 3 million people a year suffer injuries and about 90 people a day die due to traffic crashes. Luckily, most traffic accidents are minor fender-benders. If you […]
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